Friday, March 25, 2016

Profile Post

Music 3.0
Music 3.0 is a blog where Bobby Owsinki gives tips that people could find useful when entering the music industry. He is a music industry veteran, as he describes himself. Owsinki started his career as a guitar and keyboard player as well as a songwriter and arranger. He has taught audio recording and multimedia production at Berklee College Music, Trebas Recording Institute and Nova Institute. He has also written 23 books on music so you can already tell he has a lot to say about the industry and his years of experience!

Bobby manages many blogs but Music 3.0, focuses in how the “new” Music Industry works. One thing that amazes me is his productivity and responsibility to post every Monday through Friday. Every post he does is short and concise. I believe his posts are very interesting but his tone tends to be dry sometimes since he has a very formal and informative kind of writing but when he includes a phrase or word that stands out as part of his personality it is easy to identify them. He’s been blogging for many years now, even before creating this blog, but Music 3.0 was created in November of 2009 and he hasn’t stop posting since, which I think is pretty remarkable. His layout tends to be very simple, organized and easy to read. Since the posts are short, it’s hard not to read them completely. He often includes videos or graphs to make the post more understandable and to back his ideas and opinions about certain things. His blogroll only lists blogs related to music. Websites like,, have mentioned Owsinki in their posts. Something I thought was very interesting is that there aren’t many comments from people visiting his blog, but when people comment, he rarely replies or he leaves a really quick response, without engaging much with the person.

By reading Owsinki’s post called “EDM Is Slowing Down” he argues that electronic music festivals are declining in popularity due to rising ticket prices and performer fees, as well as people getting tired of house music, the heart of EDM. Even though most of the post was very formal, I could really find a voice in the phrase where he said that the “show” that most DJ’s put is basically the same. I can tell that by using those quotations in the word show, he is in some way complaining and being sarcastic about it. Since he comes from a background of playing real instruments I believe that he feels music should be performed live and not just pressing the play button.

In a post called "Spotify Up to 28 million subscribers" he explains how that those rising numbers are very good in the long run for musicians since it lowers piracy and serves for a substitute of record sales. He said that “Regardless of the price, it's good to hear that paid streaming is finally catching on in a big way. This can be nothing but good for artists and songwriters in the long run, even though it might seem that the payouts are low now”. Reading past the dryness of his writing and in between the lines, I can say that it’s not hard to notice how much Owsinki cares about musicians getting the money they deserve.

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